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The course of study, or curriculum, at Lafayette Christian School provides the central avenue by which students are led to Biblical wisdom.  Ours differs from a non-Christian school in at least three major respects, including:

  1. The curriculum in this school reflects and displays God's dynamic design for the universe.  All subjects must be understood, not simply as cultural products or human inventions, but as determined by God's work of creation.  It is our intent to open eyes and minds and hearts, not merely to an understanding of the world as described in textbooks, but also to the marvelous plan and design of God's creation.
  2. The curriculum at LCS emphasizes divinely-ordained interrelatedness.  The Lord did not create a chaotic, disjointed world.  On the contrary, the universe, even after the Fall, continues to display astounding coherence and harmony. Since the components of the curriculum focus on dimensions of one coherent, God-ordained universe, we attempt to help our students become sensitive to the wonderful unity and diversity in God's creation.
  3. The LCS curriculum is designed to prepare students for wisdom.  The primary reason for teaching subjects and skills is not to mold students into solid citizens or prepare them for successful careers, important as these goals may be.  Rather, this Christian school seeks to develop wise and responsible disciples of Jesus Christ.  Students will sense God's order, design, and presence and they will learn and gain a better understanding of God’s plan and what to do to counteract the forces of sin and evil.

Reading, writing, literature, mathematics, social studies, science, Bible, penmanship, health, music, art and physical education are all part of the regular academic program.  In addition, there are field trips for all students and several electives for the upper elementary/junior high students, including: choir, band, financial literacy, home economics, foreign language, study skills, etc.

The Bible curriculum at LCS teaches students the stories and truths of the Bible as the inspired word of God.  Emphasis will be placed on student application of Biblical principles to their lives and the personal nature of the Bible's message to each one of us.  Students will learn that they can make a positive influence on the world by sharing the truth of Christ and actively living a Christ-like life for the world to see.

The language arts curriculum at LCS develops in each student a workable knowledge of grammar applicable to the areas of communication. Spelling, vocabulary, and grammar skills will be integrated into written and oral forms of communication. The desired outcome is for each student to develop into an effective, accurate and skillful communicator.

The reading curriculum at LCS develops in each student a desire to learn more about himself, others, God, and God's creation through reading. Emphasis is placed on decoding skills, comprehension skills, vocabulary development, and an exposure to various types of literature. Literature will develop critical thinking, analysis and synthesis skills in each student.

At LCS, mathematical concepts are taught that lay the foundation for higher levels of math study. Students learn mathematical operations and problem solving skills by understanding basic math concepts and number properties, and by integrating of these operations into a mathematical philosophy. Mathematical concepts will be introduced, developed, and mastered through student involvement with manipulatives and other hands-on activities. Students will apply mathematical skills to real life situations; developing the understanding that math is essential in daily life.  God has created a world of order, and math reflects that order; this is the philosophical basis of the math curriculum.

Science is the study of our world and universe, created by God as sovereign creator and sustainer of all things. The aim of science is to discover God’s created order in the complexities of the different areas of scientific study. The life sciences, physical sciences, and earth sciences are studied throughout the curriculum at each grade level.  These various aspects of science, as well as math, are integrated in the world where a God-created, systematic order is evidenced.

Students’ natural curiosity of the universe and self is a starting point for the development of scientific knowledge and inquiry, and higher-level problem solving. A main focus of teacher-directed instruction is the further nurturing of this natural curiosity, so that the student develops a thrust to understand science more deeply and to seek the answers to questions.  This search for answers leads us to a better understanding of the greatness of God.

Science is taught in a manner that actively engages students in the learning process.  Observing, experiencing, experimenting are essential components in a science curriculum.  Learning a basic understanding of science facts and concepts leads to the application of that knowledge in problem solving. Students develop an awareness of the interdependent nature of the sciences and study examples of the overlapping relationships among the sciences.  Thematic units in the primary grades provide an environment where students learn not only how the sciences are related, but also how science is related to language arts, social studies, mathematics, and the arts.  Students understand the need for communications skills in the scientific field.  Mathematics helps us understand the order in science and is used as a tool in understanding science. Social studies course help us to gain insights into how science affects people and their lives.  The arts help us to see the beauty in God’s creation.

Scientific questions and problems are approached with moral and ethical considerations in light of Biblical scripture. Students learn to discern issues of science that are in conflict with Biblical truth. Exposing students to secular viewpoints and theories of science provide the opportunity to assist students in their response in light of scripture and a Christian worldview. Students are taught that science is the working of God’s design of His creation.

The social studies curriculum at LCS teaches students to make Godly decisions while preparing them to develop an interest and respect for other peoples, cultures, and ways of life. When we study past and present societies, we discover how God has implemented His will in the lives of people and the societies in which they live. It is our responsibility to strive toward the redemption of society according to God's original purpose for His creation.