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Middle school is such a transformative time in a child's life. At LCS, we have compassionate, Christian teachers who are honored to walk alongside our students as they navigate these years. 

Students have the same teachers all three years of middle school. Parents have said they value this as the teachers and students get to know one another rather than having to start over each year with new teachers.

We offer two math tracks in middle school. The on-level track completes middle school math as normal. The advanced track completes all three years of middle school math in 6th and 7th grade. Then they complete Algebra I in 8th grade (which can count for high school credit).

  Name Title Group
Alyssa Bergmann Bergmann, Alyssa MS Bible Middle School
Mary Edgar Edgar, Mary MS Language Arts Middle School
Cynthia Freudenthal Freudenthal, Cynthia MS Social Studies Middle School
Laura O'Shaughnessey O'Shaughnessey, Laura MS Science Middle School
Kevin Sanson Sanson, Kevin Technology Middle School
Shauna Schenke Schenke, Shauna MS Elective Middle School
Lisa Vanderkleed Vanderkleed, Lisa MS Math Middle School